IIT Publications Search

Raei H., Gandarias J., De Momi E., Balatti P., Ajoudani A.
A Multipurpose Interface for Close- and Far-Proximity Control of Mobile Collaborative Robots
10th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronic
Conference Paper Conference
Fortuna A., Lorenzini M., Leonori M., Gandarias JM., Balatti P., Cho Y., De Momi E., Ajoudani A.
A Personalizable Controller for the Walking Assistive omNi-Directional Exo-Robot (WANDER)
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Conference Paper Conference
Balatti P., Ozdamar I., Sirintuna D., Fortini L., Leonori M., Gandarias JM., Ajoudani A.
Robot-Assisted Navigation for Visually Impaired through Adaptive Impedance and Path Planning
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Conference Paper Conference
Giammarino A., Gandarias JM., Balatti P., Leonori M., Lorenzini M., Ajoudani A.
SUPER-MAN: SUPERnumerary Robotic Bodies for Physical Assistance in HuMAN-Robot Conjoined Actions
Article Journal
Zhang X., Balatti P., Leonori M., Ajoudani A.
A Human Motion Compensation Framework for a Supernumerary Robotic Arm
IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots
Du Y., Zhang X., Leonori M., Balatti P., Jin J., Wang Q., Ajoudani A.
Bi-Directional Human-Robot Handover Using a Novel Supernumerary Robotic System
Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts, ARSO, vol. 2023-June, pp. 153-158
DOI 10.1109/ARSO56563.2023.10187506 Conference Paper Conference
Lagomarsino M., Lorenzini M., Balatti P., Momi E.D., Ajoudani A.
Pick the Right Co-Worker: Online Assessment of Cognitive Ergonomics in Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, vol. 15, (no. 4), pp. 1928-1937
Kato Y., Balatti P., Gandarias J.M., Leonori M., Tsuji T., Ajoudani A.
A Self-Tuning Impedance-Based Interaction Planner for Robotic Haptic Exploration
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 7, (no. 4), pp. 9461-9468
Gandarias J.M., Balatti P., Lamon E., Lorenzini M., Ajoudani A.
Enhancing Flexibility and Adaptability in Conjoined Human-Robot Industrial Tasks with a Minimalist Physical Interface
Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 8061-8067
Balatti P., Leonori M., Ajoudani A.
A flexible and collaborative approach to robotic box-filling and item sorting
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 146
Liu J., Balatti P., Ellis K., Hadjivelichkov D., Stoyanov D., Ajoudani A., Kanoulas D.
Garbage Collection and Sorting with a Mobile Manipulator using Deep Learning and Whole-Body Control
IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, vol. 2021-July, pp. 408-414
Balatti P.
Robot interaction planning and control in unstructured environments: exploiting the trade-off between complexity and autonomy
Balatti P., Fusaro F., Villa N., Lamon E., Ajoudani A.
A Collaborative Robotic Approach to Autonomous Pallet Jack Transportation and Positioning
IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 142191-142204
Balatti P., Kanoulas D., Tsagarakis N., Ajoudani A.
A method for autonomous robotic manipulation through exploratory interactions with uncertain environments
Autonomous Robots, vol. 44, (no. 8), pp. 1395-1410
Lamon E., Fusaro F., Balatti P., Kim W., Ajoudani A.
A visuo-haptic guidance interface for mobile collaborative robotic assistant (MOCA)
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 11253-11260

IIT Publications List

AJoudani A.
Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE RAS TC on Collaborative Automation for Flexible Manufacturing
Ranavolo A., Ajoudani A., Chini G., Silvetti A., Varrecchia T., Lorenzini M., Mobedi E., Turcksin T., Draicchio F.
CEN workshop agreement on Guideline for introducing and implementing real-time instrumental-based tools for biomechanical risk assessment
Ajoudani A.
Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE RAS TC on Collaborative Automation for Flexible Manufacturing
Balatti P., Ozdamar I., Sirintuna D., Fortini L., Gandarias J., Ajoudani A.
ICRA 2024 Best Paper Award in Human-Robot Interaction Finalist
Lagomarsino M.
Advancing Technology for Humanity – Most Promising Researcher in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
Du Y., Zhang X., Leonori M., Balatti P., Jin J., Wang Q., Ajoudani A.
Best Conference Paper Award Finalist at ARSO 2023
Ajoudani A., Lorenzini M.
Gandarias J.M.
IEEE ARSO 2023 Session Chair: Socio-physical interaction skills for cooperative human-robot systems in agile Production
Ajoudani A.
Recognition by EU Commission under "Success Stories of the EU funded Projects 2023" (with project H2020 SOPHIA)
Fortini L., Leonori M., Balatti P., Ajoudani A.
SmartCup Liguria Award (industry category)