IIT People Search

Sauro Succi

Senior Researcher - Principal Investigator
Multiscale and Quantum Simulations
Research center

Curriculum vitae

Google Scholar page

Caveat: Since October 1/2021 Google Scholar does not seem to behave reliably anymore on my data. 

Meanwhile, you can take a look at my citation record on the Stanford database of the top 2% cited scientists worldwide.



Major awards

2024: ERC-PoC grant LBFAST ( Lattice Boltzmann For Advanced SimulaTions) 

       2024: Co-recipient of the Aspen Institute Italia Prize, https://www.aspeninstitute.it/premio-aspen-2024-la-ricerca-vincitrice/

       2022: Honorary Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, University College London, UK

Selected papers:

Selected lectures:

Perspective papers:


* The Lattice Boltzmann Equation for Fluid Dynamics and Beyond, Oxford U.P., 2001 


* The Lattice Boltzmann Equation for Complex States of Flowing matter, Oxford U.P., 2018


* ​Sailing the Ocean of Complexity, Lesson from the Physics-Biology Frontier, Oxford Univ. Presshttps://www.whsmith.co.uk/products/sailing-the-ocean-of-complexity-lessons-from-the-physicsbiology-frontier-1/sauro-succi/hardback/9780192897893.html, forthcoming on Feb 2022



All Publications
Tiribocchi A., Durve M., Lauricella M., Montessori A., Tucny J.-M., Succi S.
Lattice Boltzmann simulations for soft flowing matter
Physics Reports, vol. 1105, pp. 1-52
Falcucci G., Amati G., Bella G., Facci A.L., Krastev V.K., Polverino G., Succi S., Porfiri M.
Adapting to the Abyss: Passive Ventilation in the Deep-Sea Glass Sponge Euplectella aspergillum
Physical Review Letters, vol. 132, (no. 20)
Article Journal
Succi S.
Chatbots and zero sales resistence
Frontiers in Physics, vol. 12
Tello P.G., Succi S.
Cosmological implications of the minimum viscosity principle
International Journal of Modern Physics C
Bogdan M., Pineda J., Durve M., Jurkiewicz L., Succi S., Volpe G., Guzowski J.
Crystallization and topology-induced dynamical heterogeneities in soft granular clusters
Physical Review Research, vol. 6, (no. 3)
Article Journal